Use while abroad

Use while abroad  

  By: PTYooper on Dec. 21, 2023, 11:07 p.m.

i travel to Iceland and usually purchase a local SIM and use my iPhone 13 mini. Will i be able to use this Pixel in the same way? I want to be able to use the phone to navigate and go online as well as make phone calls. i know I have a learning curve ahesd of me with a deGoogled phone, but im tired of being tracked and my data used.

Re: Use while abroad  

  By: TheSuit on Dec. 27, 2023, 3:31 p.m.

As recommended in your prior question, we recommend you view the tutorials here -> which should help alleviate your questions and concerns re: how the phone functions and works. You'll find it's no where near as complicated or confusing as it may initially appear.

Purchasing and using a local SIM in Iceland may work depending on if the local carriers use the same wireless technology there as they do in the USA. I would ask some local residence there to see if anyone has experience with this, however, from a quick search on my end it appears that all 4G network capabilities are available on Pixel devices in Iceland ->